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Trade Logistics


This is an integrated and cross-disciplinary application of international logistics, global trade as well as trade policy and facilitation. SCMi Group has extensive experience working with international aid organizations and governments to develop action plans for better transport and transit ourcomes. 


  • Trade Flow Analysis

  • Border Crossing Operations Study

  • Harmonization of Regional Transport Standards

  • Accession to International Transport Conventions and Agreements

  • Trade Corridor Analysis

  • Development of Industrial and Logistics Parks

The company is engaged by ADB under CAREC program (Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation). A study is carried out on the regional transport sector. The firm works with the national transport associations under 'Corridor Performance Measurement and Monitoring' (CPMM) to collect time and cost to measure transport efficiency. Bottlenecks in the corridors are also identified and addressed. 

USAID is active in the economic development in South Asia. As part of aid, SCMi Group is engaged to study and support the accession to UN TIR Convention 1975, a road transport agreement. The firm provides capacity building program for Customs officers and transport operators, particularly in the use of TIR Carnets. In addition, the firm works with Inrernational Road Transport Union on events and training. 

CAREC CFCFA Annual Meeting in Urumqi, September 2014

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